Why oh why didnt they destroy the footage
31 May, 2005 -10:28 p.m.

Ok so tonight I was bored cuz my husband was working. I was flippin channels.. and I stopped at UPN... I cant explain why maybe there was a devil on my shoulder and he said stop on UPN. Well Chaotic was on. In case you are blessed and have no idea what chaotic is it is Britney Spears and husband's (I know his name but if I typed it would you know who I was talkin about) whirlwind courtship.

Now I may be Southern but Jesus Christ on a crutch, these people are trashy. I mean if I had videotaped footage like that, which mostly contains Brit and Kev obviously stoned philosiphizing on love and human emotion, I would destroy it. Yes I am critisizing and I cant even spell half the words in my rant... its that fuckin bad.

Here is one of my favorite quotes:
KEVIN- "I think that you are like scared to love me and that.... ummmm.... makes me.... uhhh... *pause* *fart*.... scared to uhhh... love you"

OMFG... this woman makes millions a year and she married that loser... I mean she makes like a mil a day she cant be that fuckin stupid can she....

Well I will never ever ever watch UPN on Tuesdays again I will make sure I can watch a movie or play XBOX or read celebrity gossip on the net...

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