Why did I do this
03 January, 2002 -3:55 p.m.

Ok I had to do it nes did and I have to be like her cuz shes my heeeeero...

Name: Violet/Vi/skizank

Birthdate: April 9, 1981 (thats why nes and I say we are twins we have the same birthday!

Sex: Female.

Location: Krackertown, Texas

Seven things that scare you:

1. the dark

2. losing my baby

3. Nes when she wakes up

4. roaches

5. horses

6. snakes

7. forgettin important stuff

Seven things that make you laugh:

1. Nes

2. Mas

3. My Baby

4. BooBoo

5. kelsi

6. Punogre

7. (I have to agree) Matt

Seven things you love:

1. My baby

2. My family

3. My friends

4. Oatmeal Creme Pies

5. Harrison Ford :o)

6. My bed

7. diamonds

Seven things you hate:

1. Meanie PooPoo CaCa Heads

2. drama queens (yeah I am a self loather)

3. when Nes cries

4. horses

5. long distance

6. bein a fat ass

7. having big feet

Seven things you don't understand:

1. Why is it because I live in south Texas and am part hispanic do they always send me letters in spanish and call me only speakin spanish

2. what yo soy el army means

3. Why Britney Spears is such a dumb cunt

4. baking instructions (its either 4 min or 5 min not 4-5 min)

5. why my boyfriend is with me

6. why my dog has no hair

7. why George Lucas iswaitin like 3 years to put out this lame lookin movie

Seven things on your desk:

1. Computer

2. java book

3. mouse

4. a can of raid

5. a reindeer candle abra

6. a coaster

7. a phone

Right now you are:

1. gassy

2. comfy (in my pj's)

3. listenin to the moulin rouge soundtrack

4. full

5. think about the presents I got nes

6. coughing (Im sick too)

7. dueting with Ewan McGregor

Seven facts about you:

1. I have 2 tone hair (its ugly)

2. I am silly

3. I love animals

4. I think Nes was Marilyn in a former life

5. I miss Kimmee

6. Nes is my bestest friend

7. I am a writer (shh.. dont tell)

Seven things you plan to do before you die:

1. publish my play

2. Have or adopt 5 babies

3. Own my own store/movie theater

4. start makin embroidered bags and sell them on ebay (ok this is gonna happen in the next couple of weeks

5. Get a cat :o)

6. quit smoking for good (which is hopefully what I am doin now)

7. be content with my life

Seven things you can do:

1. play the french horn

2. play the clarinet

3. make nes laugh at any moment

4. do drag queen makeup

5. embarass the hell out of my folks

6. make a crappy webpage

7. sing very loudly and ver badly

Seven Things You Can't Do:

1. three letters nes FOD

2. sing nice

3. keep anything from nes

4. conceive

5. win the lottery

6. stay mad

7. return calls

Seven Ways to Get in Your Pants:

1. have blue eyes

2. have blondish hair

3. be english

4. be funny

5. be sexy

6. love me

7. Be My baby (hahaha I copied j00)

Seven Famous People You Want (To Meet):

1. Marylin Monroe

2. Harrison Ford

3. Brandon Lee

4. Courtney Love

5. Nick Hexum

6. Angelina Jolie

7. Cayetano Espinosa

Top 7 songs people should give a listen -

1. Beautiful Disaster - 311

2. Come what May - Nicole and Ewan

3. Purpose - 311

4. Stealing Happy Hours - 311

5. Eons - 311

6. Violet - hole

7. Slinky Girl - 311

Top 7 books people should read -

1. Any Dragonlance books

2. True Texas Women - Janice Woods Windle

3. Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card

4. Viggo Mortenson's poetry (haha)

5. The Crow - James O'Barr

6. J.R. R. Tolkien Novels

7. Bruce Lee, Brandon Lee and the Dragon's Curse - Charles Hoffman

Top 7 things that turn you on about your sex of choice -

1. sense of humor

2. butt

3. eyes

4. smile

5. arms

6. snuggliness

7. package (I can only tell the truth!)

Top 7 movies you watch all the time

1. The Crow

2. Pearl Harbor

3. Moulin Rouge


5. Xmen

6. Hackers

7. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

Top 7 things you say the most -

1. Whatever

2. what the fuck

3. nuh uh

4. fuck you nes

5. you suxorz

6. bitch

7. yeah

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