Why when it rains with Rob it poors...
05 April, 2004 -8:01 p.m.

So on April fool's day my baby had a root canal in the early morning...

at 6:30 p.m. his stomach started hurting he thought he was hungry cuz h hadnt eaten since 11:00 a.m.

At 9:00 p.m. we went home so he could lay down by now his stomach hurt so much he was hunched a lil walking. I decided to call the dentist to see what medicine they gave him in case I have to take him to the ER. Dentist said no way meds caused stomach pain. Ginger, our dog, steps on Rawb's stomach he starts crying

side note : my husband has had stress fractures in his legs, broken his collar bone, and didnt cry... I know when he cries it fuckin hurts...

At 10:30 p.m. I tell him he is goin to the ER one of two ways :

1. conscious and co operatively

2. unconcious and I carry his ass in...

the pain was so great I have to half-carry him to the car.... we get into ER register Male RN gives him a green lady mylanta with some other anti-cramp medicine...

12:00 a.m. most of pain is gone but there is an evil pain in lower right stomach area...

12:30 a.m. Rob has CAT-scan and suprise its his appendix (sp.)

1:45 a.m. Rob finally gets wheeled to his room and I run home to change we are told he will be operated on tom. the surgeon will fit him in....

At 3:30 a.m. I have talked to his mom packed his clothes and prayed to the Virgin Mary for guidance not to mention promised God everythin includin me quiting smokin if Rawb makes it through and has as lil pain as possible....

Friday we waited till 3:15 p.m. when the whisked him away to take out his appendix.... the Tech who brought him back was an asshole and I cursed him with every thing I had in me for not lettin Rob see I was there (he was awake then) when they brought him to the room...

We were in that fuckin hospital (did I mention I HATE hospitals) for 4 days (of which I only spent 4 hours away from Rob) and I hated the fact that the doctor, who luckily enough is the best surgeon in this damn town, couldnt see us till 5:00 p.m. to release us.

I have been home for a few hours and my baby is doin great so in case you cant add it up after almost 10 years of smokin.... I have quit.... thank God... its his fault :o)

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