Why does this suck so much ass
07 December, 2001 -3:08 a.m.

Here are just a few facts that I have learned today:

*Brandon from Incubus has no ass... I am serious... he was wearing brown dickies there was no assage... he has cool tattoos though...

*Law & Order is the cooles effin show in the WORLD... well I knew that already but I just thought I would share...

*Steve the Crocadile hunter may be a complete dork but he is really cool in the sense he really respects animals and wont tranquilize them just to make himself safer....

Well thats about all I learned today. My baby had a stomach virus all day today so I had to clean up vomit and such... he is ok now thow... we went to Kmart and I almost had to hit some bitch who kept lookin at me funny with my car.... Why does everybody gotta be drinkin the hatorade... speakin of which My baby had to drink like 3 liters of gatorade today... I am gonna end this entry before it starts to suck even more if thats possible...

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